Platte Clove Naturals is the
inspiration of Amy and Gala,
two mothers who love to cook.

Gala was born in Australia and lived there until she was 22. She moved to NYC, but as fate would have it ended up in Woodstock, NY, where she met her husband.

Amy grew up in Rochester, NY, where (for the most part) she lived for 24 years. And as fate would have it, she met her husband, who was from Woodstock.

Amy Owens and Gala West making their gourmet granola

And so the story goes...

Gala and Amy's friendship developed after Amy and her family moved to the Platte Clove area of Saugerties, NY, where Gala had been living for six years.

Both Gala and Amy had beautiful babies and in between mothering talks and visits, they came up with the idea for Platte Clove Naturals Granola and agreed they could challenge the current granola market with a granola that was like no other out there.

"Our mission is to bring back the simplicity of 'natural, homemade foods' while producing a great tasting, healthy product."

So we started experimenting.

Weeks later, we came up with our two primary recipes; Maple Ginger Granola and Maple Cranberry Granola.bowl of natural granola

We gave just about every ounce of granola that we made to family and friends for feedback; the response was incredibly positive!

With a commitment to a love of life and a respect for the earth, our granola journey thus far has been amazing.

We plan on continuing to produce original, great tasting, healthy granola, and healing the planet one bite of granola at a time!